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Webinar: Leveraging Deep Learning and AI Applications in Manufacturing B-AIM PICK SELECTS

Do AI and Deep Learning belong on the factory floor or are they just for those with their heads in the clouds? Is being "on the edge" actually a good thing when you want to improve quality and reduce costs?

As a manufacturer seeking to improve your production processes, you must consider these questions, and more. You face an array of technologies that promises to help you reach your goals, and you must carefully evaluate your options before making any decisions.

The fact is that manufacturers like you are successfully using AI and Deep Learning in their operations.

Come join us to hear real-world case studies about how a chemical factory, a glass factory and a fabric factory reduced their costs and increased their quality, and the role AI and Deep Learning played in those successes.

In addition we will also cover:

  • Why the Cloud has limitations for AI and Deep Learning on the factory floor.

  • Why on-premise is fashionable again; now they call it "edge computing."

  • Why factory-floor AI and Deep Learning need both a hybrid edge/cloud to truly deliver 4.0 Smart Factory capabilities

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