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Why and How to use AI in FinTech for decisive experience-B-AIM PICK SELECTS

By Jyoti Gupta

Artificial Intelligence is creating a buzzword with a significant aspect in the Finance sector. The financial sector around the world is trying to adopt & implement AI in its finance service capabilities. Exponential growth in the finance sector is measured in the last few years using Predictive Analysis. AI/machine learning technologies are helping bank business services to engage their potential customers. It is estimated that AI-enabled chatbots will handle 80% of all customer interactions by 2020.

As the FinTech industry has a widespread reach globally, AI is allowed to upsurge several new opportunities. Thus, the benefits of using AI in the financial sector are wide-ranging and recurring. From bank service marketing to handling customer queries, FinTech companies are introducing AI-enabled services. The AI role played in the FinTech industry has its meaning and importance. AI is a field that includes everything that is associated with the data. And the finance sector is using AI-enabled solutions to describe, diagnose, predict and suggest based on the data. This helps to make accurate results.

How is AI changing the financial services industry?

Artificial Intelligent makes it possible to generate accurate insights related to the customers and clients. This ultimately helps to reduce the time spent in analyzing the huge amount of data. AI is programmed in a proficient way to tackle and manage daily based financial services.

Risk assessment

Since artificial intelligence can deal with a humongous amount of data to bring valuable insights, it can be used to assess risk. Financial institutions can look into customers’ loan repayment habits, active loans, number of credit cards they are using, and other information before aiding them financial services.

Artificial Intelligence can also be integrated into various finance software to bring accuracy in results. Moreover, the technology can also bring automation to the spots that need smart, analytical, and clear-thinking to assess risks.

Finance management

AI can also help with personal finance management with AI-based wallets. These wallets help a customer to make smart decisions. The wallet keeps a track of your online transactions, analyzes the same, and provides you a spending graph.

Financial Advisory

AI can change the future of the finance industry with Robo and Bionic advisory. The former is a part of financial services that offer valuable advice or help with e-investment management without the intervention of a human being. On the other hand, bionic advisory can help institutions and organizations in the finance world with personalized services by offering in-depth investment research and how to use the latest investment technology.


Trading is yet another significant benefit that AI renders to the finance world. For trading and investment, the technology can predict the future and prevent an institution from the financial crisis and other problems. It can also help in determining the right time to buy, hold, and sell stock.

To offer personalized services

Finance organizations with AI-enabled solutions are trying to advise and provide suggestions to the customer. AI is facilitating organizations to leverage customer data from diverse sources to provide data insights. The personalized customers’ services maintain the transparency that helps to make better decisions.

Provide Intelligence Analysis

AI is way ahead in identifying entities and patterns from customer data. Analysis of relevant data insights can help financial service providers to discover new opportunities in the market. After collecting the insights from the data business decisions are stronger and more customer-oriented. Thus, AI provides smart recommendations based on the specific customer’s interest.

Engaging Chatbots

Banking services are including chatbots into their services to provide seamless customer experience. Understanding the object of the customer question AI-empowered chatbot to provide an accurate answer in natural language to the customer. Providing 24×7 banking services are the best way to show availability for bank service providers. AI with machine learning, enhance customer engagement with the ability to respond instantly.

To Combat fraud effectively

AI is used in an innovative way to fight against fraud threats. Through strong algorithms, finance organizations are utilizing AI to identify fraudulent activities. The payment companies are using AI to reach beyond the reach of potential fraud. Thus, AI and machine learning efficiently to manage uniquely identifiable information based on customer transactions.

For Cost cutting

AI is implemented to reduce the cost of bank services. Artificial Intelligence is employed to manage time and resources proficiently while performing routine tasks. Apart from that, the manpower is better utilized to further enhance the customer experience. This not only helps to reduce the cost but also introduces new possibilities of improving both the finance process and its outcome.

Why the banking sector is using Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence covers a broad spectrum of domains and industries. Likewise, it is capable of understanding and performs a wide range of banking services. AI helps to increase the efficiency of complex tasks across the finance sector. From payment processes for identifying fraudulent activity, AI provides personalized insights to the customers based on the banking service providers.

  • To serve the customers as one integrated banking platform and offer the best banking services.

  • To aggregate the customer data in one place to create personalized strategies for their customers.

  • To derive insights using Artificial Intelligence while reducing the time in analyzing data.

  • So reducing time and cost to maintain the success metric using AI in the bank’s sector.

  • To predict the price of investments/stocks in real-time for better decision making.

  • For fraud detection in credit transaction activity and react in the instantly to block the threat.

Bottom line

The growth of mobile devices has helped FinTech to grow at a high rate. AI is the best way to address the opportunities for banking services in today’s rapidly changing environment. It helped to seamlessly regulate any complexity while providing a strategy to face the challenges. Fintech is taking advantage of AI to overcome the tedious challenges and project the future in an unmatchable way.

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