Digitally advanced businesses are gradually leveraging VR and AR technologies to drive efficiency, especially in their recruitment process. Companies are using AR and VR technologies for conducting job interviews for hiring new candidates, particularly for virtual positions or offsite projects. These tech-driven interview experiences are always more exciting and engaging for aspirants as compared to the standard and traditional skills assessments.
Use Cases for AR and VR in Recruitment
The recruitment industry always faces cutthroat competition as businesses struggle to identify their best talents to gain a competitive edge. Every organization works really hard to get the best pool of talent from the job market to the board. This is where virtual and augmented realities dive in, offering enhanced support in the process of modern recruitment.
Employee Training
AR leverages the employee training process by providing digital information on top of what users see. VR offers users a completely multi-dimensional virtual environment to test performance in real environments, which enables learners to practice the required skills and check the outcomes of their actions in a simulated environment. These technologies are being explored by enterprises as new tools for training employees – for testing candidates in virtual environments at the corporate level. Both AR and VR are being used for quite a few years in HR practices. Still, it has always been limited to training simulations for hand-on technological roles in areas of logistics, manufacturing, and transportation. However, the application of AR and VR is evolving continuously with its implementation for soft skills training purposes as well.
Workplace Transformation
AR delivers digital details and experiences to augment the world around users, adding additional layers to data, for deeper and better understanding of resources and clients, across various processes in a company. It provides profile information along with other affluent data on clients or prospects during the sales calls, to share real-time insights for workflow optimization. It also helps in providing real-time performance feedback delivered directly to the employees. As per the reports, a majority of Generation X and millennial professionals would prefer to work with tools that enable a higher technological comfort- such as with VR and AR applications in the workplace.
Enhancing Learning Experiences
Businesses are turning into immersive, experiential nature of leveraging AR and VR technologies into many companies to create better e-learning content showcasing real-life experiences based on the premise. In research by Human Resource online, 49% of Gen Z employees in Singapore believed that VR would revolutionize their work in the coming years, while 45% of Gen Z in the US and 56% of Gen Z in India confirmed the same. AR and VR have the potential to elevate team collaboration to the next level of advancement and success.
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The power of AR and VR is clearly visible in the present COVID-19 situation, where these technologies have potentially seized challenges associated with remote working. They have made video conferencing more real than ever. As VR and AR are still in their nascent phase, they are already gaining tremendous momentum and becoming part of daily business operations, modifying the entire way of communicating, collaborating, and conducting businesses.